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Cargo Safety - Special Stowage Requirement for Non-DG and Non-Special Cargoes

Dear Valued ONE Customers,

Cargo Safety - Special Stowage Requirement for Non-DG and Non-Special Cargoes

When transporting your cargo, safety is our number one priority. To ensure compliance with our
Global acceptance policy and safety standards, we are performing verification of all bookings to make sure that all cargo is correctly declared, packed, and stowed. This measure is a critical step in preventing accidents and ensuring the safe handling of your cargo.

We know that declaring the correct commodity is as important for you as it is for us. As a Shipper, it is your responsibility to declare your cargo and to provide with the correct information, we therefore we kindly ask for your collaboration in checking that all cargo booked is correctly declared.

Besides DG and Special cargoes, following non-DG and non-Special cargoes booked
with ONE will also require a special stowage for loading onto ONE & Partner Line vessels

Cargo Safety Special Stowage Requirement for Non-DG and Non-Special Cargoes

To complete the verification, we may ask you to provide additional clarification and documents.
We appreciate your support in providing any additional documents/clarification needed. This will help us reach an even higher standard when it comes to safe transport of goods.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and collaboration. We appreciate your business and look forward to continuing working with you in the future. If you have any further queries please contact the respective Booking offices


Thank you for your understanding.
Ocean Network Express Pte. Ltd.


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